Knowing how to clean a knife block safely is the best way to ensure you keep it free from bacteria and other substances. Blocks come in different sizes that are suitable for all types of kitchens. They give you a safe and convenient way to store your knives when you don't need them. Find out the steps you can take to clean any type of knife block
While there are many different types of kitchen knives, proper storage helps them last longer. There are other reasons why cleaning your knife block is so important, including the following.
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Regular cleaning prevents bacterial growth. Aside from the risk of spreading bacteria from the knives to your food, you can also spread it to other cooking surfaces.
Knife hygiene refers to maintaining the cleanliness and safety of your knives. Keeping your knife block sets clean keeps the knives hygienic, which helps with your food’s cleanliness.
The top reason to practice routine maintenance is to make your knives last longer. In short, you can protect your investment with some routine cleaning.
No matter which knife storage solution you choose, you need some simple materials to keep them clean.
Ordinary dish soap kills the bacteria and germs you see on your knives and those you can't see.
It’s best to stick with warm water when cleaning your knives. Cool water can leave behind some of the soap, causing a buildup of leftover residue.
A bottle brush is a good tool for reaching deep into the knife block's slots. If you don't have one, you can use a pipe cleaner instead.
Though you can use a clean towel to wipe off the outside, it's a good idea to leave the block out to dry overnight. This will help give the interior of the small slots time to dry as well.
Optional materials include distilled white vinegar or bleach to gently remove germs or mold.
You should start by cleaning the slots in your knife block. For this step, the only thing you need is a pipe cleaner. Flip the block upside down and give it a good thump on the bottom. This will help dislodge as many crumbs and particles as possible from inside the block.
Slip the pipe cleaner inside the slot and wiggle it around before carefully pulling it out. This should remove any extra crumbs left behind. Repeat this step on each slot that will hold a knife. A bamboo magnetic knife block is an excellent alternative if you'd like to skip this step in the future.
Washing the outside of your knife storage is just as easy because you will only need mild dish soap and a rag. Mix a small amount of dish soap in a bowl with warm water to form a sudsy solution. Apply the solution to the outside of the block with the rag, focusing on any stuck-on debris or particles. Wring out the rag and wipe down the surface of the block with clean water to remove any soapy residue. Then, let the knife block dry overnight.
When learning how to clean a wood knife block, you'll find that many recommend using bleach. Bleach usually isn't suitable for plastic blocks because aside from staining the plastic, it is also corrosive and can eat through the material. For stubborn stains, mix one tablespoon of bleach with four cups of warm water. While wearing gloves, apply the solution to the block with a scrub brush and scrub the stains. You'll then rinse away any excess water and let the block dry.
You should watch where you store the block. Try to keep it away from the sink to prevent water from splashing inside it. You may find it helpful to keep the block away from your prep area too as this keeps crumbs from getting inside.
Keeping your knife block in good condition helps you avoid mold and mildew. Picking the right knife storage matters because it has space for each knife and any other matching kitchen accessories, such as a knife sharpener. When you wash your knives, always take a few seconds to wipe them off and ensure they're fully dry before you put them back inside the block.
Never put away knives that are still wet. Take a few minutes to wipe down each knife or let them air dry to avoid damaging the wood.
It doesn't take a lot of time or effort to learn how to clean a knife block. Try to wash the inside and outside once a month. If you cook less often, you can clean it every other month. Use these tips and shop our selection of knife blocks to find the best products for your kitchen.